Tribe Workshops

Join us for specialised workshops designed to dive deep into various facets of holistic health, fitness and nutrition.

Class Details

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Low - Medium
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Fitness Level: 
Beginner - Medium
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About the class

Introducing Tribe Workshops - where knowledge meets practice. Join us for specialised workshops designed to dive deep into holistic health and fitness. From understanding the nuances of sports nutrition to unlocking the secrets of core training to strength & mobility with Pilates, each session aims to empower you with actionable insights and hands-on experiences.

But that's not all because we like to mix things up! Tribe Workshops will sometimes encapsulate interactive challenges, fostering a spirit of friendly competition. Here, team-based events inspire, motivate, and challenge members to put their skills to the test, all while building camaraderie and community.

With each Tribe Workshops, you will dive deeper into one topic that bridges knowledge with hands-on practice. Every session illuminates a path towards a healthier, stronger, and more balanced you.

Class Schedule

Tribe Workshops will run at various times throughout the month. Stay tuned to our app and social media channels to hear what we have planned for the next one!

Class Details

All sessions are adapted to your abilities, with expert instruction and hands-on coaching.

Clock - Gymfit X Webflow Template
Flame Icon - Gymfit X Webflow Template
Low - Medium
Graph Icon - Gymfit X Webflow Template
Fitness Level: 
Beginner - Medium
Calendar Icon - Gymfit X Webflow Template