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Frequently Asked questions

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What makes fittribe different?

Unlike other gyms where you are left to figure out your own workouts, learn how to lift and train effectively, and bring it all together so that you make regular progress, our approach merges the benefits of personal training without the expense. Not only will you receive expert instruction and coaching from our experienced trainers, you will get help with setting goals and tracking your progress towards them. Within small classes of just 6-8 people maximum, you will get tailored guidance, ensuring effective, safe and results-driven training.

What is the training like?

FitTribe's workouts focus on functional fitness. This means you're not just aiming for aesthetics but also preparing your body for sports, daily tasks, and overall life challenges. Our workouts are designed to burn fat, improve joint mobility, improve core strength, muscle tone, and cardiovascular health, ensuring you're ready for anything life throws at you. We also vary our workouts, changing up the intensity level to suit your experience and goals.

What are the workshop sessions all about?

Beyond our regular workout sessions, we run regular TribeThrive Workshops that focus on a range of holistic health and fitness that will assist you in your journey. These include sports nutrition, healthy eating, core strength, posture, breathing and building healthy joints. These sessions are designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of health and wellness.

Tell me about the FitTribe community

Our name 'FitTribe' is a reflection of our ethos. We're fostering a sense of community and team spirit. When you join us, you're not just a member; you're part of a tribe that supports, motivates, and grows together. Everyone that joins the Tribe will be welcomed and supported, no matter your age, background or current fitness level.

Who are the trainers?

Our trainers are not just experienced (with literally decades of sports and fitness background to draw upon) - they come with specialised backgrounds in strength & conditioning, sports coaching, kettlebell training, core conditioning, pilates, and sports nutrition. Their expertise ensures you're not just working out, but also building foundational skills and understanding your body better.

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