Tribe Ignite

Dive into a challenging full-body fat burning workout that varies every day. Small groups, personal attention and high energy!

Class Details

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Medium - High
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Fitness Level: 
Medium - High
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Every Day

About the class

Dive into a challenging full-body workout that varies every day!

Are you ready to burn off some calories?' Ignite is the perfect high-energy fat burning workout!

This class is designed to challenge your strength, endurance, and agility, combining dynamic functional movements, cardiovascular drills, and strength training in a high-energy environment.

It's perfect for those looking to push their limits, and offers a mix of team-based activities, circuit training, and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) sessions, ensuring every muscle gets a workout.

As with all of our sessions, we tailor and adapt the workout to your abilities, with expert instruction and hands-on coaching.

Class Schedule

Classes will run at the same times each week. Check out the class schedule below:

Monday - Sunday

  • 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM
  • 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM

Class Details

All sessions are adapted to your abilities, with expert instruction and hands-on coaching.

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Medium - High
Graph Icon - Gymfit X Webflow Template
Fitness Level: 
Medium - High
Calendar Icon - Gymfit X Webflow Template
Every Day